Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My Own 101 Things to do Before You Die

       A 101-something list seems to be the quickest post for a busy Wednesday but it turned out to require a more elaborate brainstorming process... After skimming a few other lists I noticed how provoking would it be to create one of your own and try to accomplish all of the goals. Some of them are funny, some very striking and some really simple to do; but I feel that reviewing these points at times would really motivate and cheer me up :D

       1. Eat pizza in Italy
       2. Eat in the 360 restaurant in the CN Tower
  1. Waltz at a ball
  2. Visit Loch Ness
  3. Learn Archery
  4. Tour Pearl Harbour
  5. Take a road trip across Canada
  6. Visit the Taj Mahal
  7. See the pyramids and the sphinx
  8. Tour the Colosseum
  9. Go to the top of the Empire State Building
  10. Get published/write a bestseller
  11. Go whale watching
  12. Climb to the top of the Statue of Liberty
  13. Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower
  14. Hike to Macchu Picchu
  15. Teach someone to read
  16. See the ruins of Pompeii
  17. Attend a Chinese New Year celebration
  18. Go to Niagara Falls
  19. Lean on the Tower of Pisa
  20. Visit Stonehenge
  21. Do a 1000 piece puzzle
  22. Be in a food fight
  23. See the Great Wall of China
  24. See a falling star
  25. Randomly select a book from the library and read it
  26. Go snorkeling or diving
  27. Attend/throw a costume party
  28. Give up something for a month
  29. Fly First Class
  30. Ride in a hot air balloon
  31. Sleep under the stars
  32. See a play on Broadway
  33. Visit all the continents (Current progress: 2)
  34. See a movie at a drive-in theatre
  35. Donate blood
  36. Visit at least 20 capital cities (Current progress: 1)
  37. Ride the Orient Express
  38. Explore the Galapagos Islands
  39. Buy a round the world ticket and go
  40. Give Mom a dozen roses just for being awesome
  41. Reach the age of 100
  42. Eat a meal good enough to be my last
  43. Fly a kite
  44. Write a letter to the editor
  45. Live in London for a year
  46. Swim in a fountain
  47. Adopt a pet from a shelter
  48. Buy everyone in a pub a drink
  49. Stay up all night and watch the sun rise
  50. Touch an iceberg
  51. Catch a fish with my bare hands
  52. Stay in the best suite in a 5 star hotel
  53. Experience weightlessness
  54. Be part of a flash mob
  55. Drink a vintage wine
  56. Have a gelato in Rome
  57. Dive with a whale shark
  58. Follow in the footsteps of my favourite travel book
  59. Have a movie marathon
  60. Dance the tango in Argentina
  61. Milk a cow
  62. Ring a church bell with a rope
  63. Swim in a bio luminescent lake
  64. Throw a paper airplane off a tall building
  65. Leave a candy with my tip at the restaurant
  66. Let a waiter order a meal for me
  67. Send a message in a bottle
  68. Ride a camel
  69. Watch a Sumo match
  70. Write a letter to myself to be opened in one year
  71. Send flowers anonymously to someone
  72. Drink an entire bottle of champagne
  73. Attend a murder mystery dinner
  74. Attend a Japanese Tea Ceremony
  75. Pay for a stranger's groceries
  76. Kiss in the rain
  77. go on a honeymoon
  78. ride a roller coaster
  79. Try caviar
  80. Float on the Dead Sea
  81. do something illegal
  82. tell someone I love them
  83. share a plate of spaghetti with a loved one 
  84. be a vegetarian for a week
  85.    ask to see the menu when ordering pizza by phone
  1. play strip poker
  2. bunjee jumping
  3. have a meaningful conversation with a stranger
  4. spend christmas on a beach in the southern hemisphere
  5. try ten different cheeses
  6. send someone a dozen red roses with an anonymous love letter
  7. ask a completely random person for their autograph
  8. introduce yourself to someone at a bar
  9. see a real Geisha in Kyoto, Japan
  10. have a webcam conversation
  11. take a random bus and see where it takes you in a foreign city
  12. Host a foreign exchange student
  13. create a successful blog
  14. complete all these goals


  1. This is a really great list. Just coming up with 101 things is an accomplishment in its self..I'm not sure if I could :) I have been to the 360 restaurant at the CN tower before it was really cool....just make sure you go on clear day/night haha. Also when you go you should walk on the glass floor! I was terrified when I did...but then again I'm scared of hights haha.

    1. Ooh, that's so nice, but the distance keeps me from visiting Canada in the foreseeable future, unfortunately


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